Adhoc.Support Consumer Advocacy Community



Business name:

Business address:

VAT number:

Company number:

Company representative authorised to sign:

Email address of the company's authorised signatory:

Telephone number of the company representative authorised to sign:

One-off amount of support in GBP:





Card details:

I understand:


Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signed by Geza Koczian (on behalf of WebshopCompany Ltd UK)
Signed On: 18/02/2023

Signature Certificate
Document name: ADHOC.SUPPORT: One-off support agreement (for companies)
lock iconUnique Document ID: f85a6ae5a72ee1efc921674ab1003406c352a50b
Timestamp Audit
14/07/2022 1:24 PM BSTADHOC.SUPPORT: One-off support agreement (for companies) Uploaded by Geza Koczian (on behalf of WebshopCompany Ltd UK) - IP