Adhoc.Support is the world’s first and only advocacy community
Did my furniture get broken by the supplier or did I get deceived by the carpenter, or did I buy a smartwatch that is defective, and the dealer does not admit they are at fault for this product, didn’t give me a solution and just puts all the blame on me (the customer)? Should I complain about it or leave it alone? Is it worth spending time on this? Maybe others have had the same issues and we can help each other by discussing complaints and solutions. Is there a way I can know in advance whether a product or service will give me the positive result I expect? Is there a problem that many of us have or a problem that we can solve together, or take collective action for a complaint?
We ask countless questions and live with every day: am I making the right decision when I buy a product or service from any seller/service provider?
According to some experts, we can get so excited while shopping that our adrenaline levels even increase. Advertising expert Jim Pooler says: “If the retailer can sense this emotional state, he can take advantage of the customer’s excitement and make him less able to resist.” Our whole lives are pervaded by the pursuit of the pleasures that products and services provide. The pleasure that builds, heals, empowers, and helps to invigorate our souls sometimes comes after a successful purchase. Every purchase has the potential for pleasure, which is why we like to buy big or small, cheap, or expensive items. But inside, we only want to buy the good things. The things that will not be a problem for us, the things that will remain a source of joy, a sure point of happiness for us every day.
The most common complaint from consumers in the trade is about the quality of the product. Customers have the right to a good quality product and the right to complain if defective. Most of us choose not to complain because sometimes it can be a very long and tedious process.
Don’t like complaining, arguing and dealing with problems?
Complaining is often a lonely task but working together with others makes it easier. Many of us are taken outside our comfort zone when dealing with complaints. If only there were someone who could argue with us and for us, and we could use their experience: the Adhoc.Support advocacy community provides “collective power” to tackle complaints. The power of our community is precisely that when a consumer complaint arises. We can help others by knowing a range of complaints and grievance handling, product complaints and product quality complaints. Our record of solving problems, through the complaints of our community members, is growing. We are able to say what is good and what is bad about products, services and service providers.
Do you have a consumer problem and complain in vain and nothing changes?
Every conscious purchase or use of services is preceded by a survey. Even if we are careful, we can still end up with a faulty product or bad service. Before we make a decision, we ask around and check about the product’s reputation and yet we can run into problems. When the product is faulty, you can go to several websites and even to the authorities to report it. This process makes the solution and the resolution of your case even less effective. In the case of a mass complaint, it can take a long time to resolve.
Mass complaints about a particular product are not unique! You are not alone!
Join the Adhoc.Support advocacy community. Find help, share your experience, and get useful information about products and services you can’t find elsewhere. You’ll discover that you’re not alone in your troubles and find community solutions to your problems. You don’t need to worry anymore, you can sit back and relax by analysing the information in the community. The Ad-hoc support community’s custom-built IT systems work for you, or with you, for others!
Thousands of people around the world complain at the same time. A common interest that crosses borders: this is the Ad-hoc support advocacy community!
You’ll see that your problem is not unique and that it can be solved by working together. Your phone screen glitch, your car engine ERG valve failure, or the stupidity of your smartwatch is causing the same headaches and annoyances for many other users today. And you are taking the anger and annoyance to different ways of dealing with it. The realisation that you are being blamed for the fault when you know inside that this product must be faulty or a nuisance to others. Trust Adhoc.Support, and seek out help from others who have been, or may have been, in the same situation as you. The recognition of this issue and the common lesson learned will eventually convince the manufacturer of the products or services that it is time to find a solution.
By recommending our work, you can help others. Knowing that you are a member of this transnational advocacy organisation will have a positive impact. Before making a major purchase, you will be able to check the possible shortcomings and defects of the product or service, but also its advantages.
Your fight, together with others will bring victory for your personal interests across borders!
We like to learn from the examples of others, so we present the case of a large multi-company, without mentioning the name and the exact product, but with the outcome of the case. This is a blatant example: a product of an international manufacturing company has appeared in many parts of the world. The same defects appeared everywhere for a particular product a few weeks after the product was released. The manufacturer and the dealers rejected the customer’s complaints. In each case, customers were left isolated with their complaints. The case took a turn when several individuals became aware of this defect and gathered in small groups in their own countries, collecting their otherwise almost identical complaints. When the power of the community, coupled with the Internet, brought to life a logical set of solutions, and found those hoping to resolve their cases with the same complaints through social media, thousands of identical complaints emerged! The case passed through the authorities of countries that did not even start to investigate the merits of the cases – they did not consider the complaints to be meritorious or mass – but in the case that turned into a lawsuit, the manufacturer finally acknowledged the grievance of thousands of complainants. Initially denying the mass nature of the complaints, the manufacturer was eventually forced to pay and compensate, through court action, all the complainants who joined the proceedings against them, together with an admission of fault.
Our international system consciously represents the interests of our community!
We are a knowledgeable and friendly community, able to use reasoned arguments to influence the companies affected by the objections. We know that a massive and rapid response helps to maintain the reputation of manufacturers and service providers and that it is in our common interest to deal humanely with problems that are often the result of negligence. We are human: we believe that a mass failure is the result of an accidental source and not deliberate, conscious harm. Our negotiators, in every country where we are represented who have decades of commercial knowledge, serve to improve the quality of the product or service complained about, for the benefit of the members of our community.
The Advantages of the Adhoc.Support Advocacy Community
One-time investment, long-term benefits
To join the Adhoc.Support community, all you need to do is pay a one-time registration fee of £12, valid until 1st September 2023. This fee covers the community’s operating costs and ensures the necessary resources for the efficient handling of consumer complaints.
Fair usage, more opportunities
For our members, there is the possibility to submit up to 10 complaints per month on an individual basis under the conditions of fair usage. This way, we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to represent their interests and make use of the community’s support.
Flexible solutions and a supportive community
As a member of the Adhoc.Support community, you will have access to flexible solutions and the support of the community, which contribute to the successful operation and continuous development of the community-based complaint management solution.
Transparency and ongoing information
We continuously inform our community members about any potential changes related to registration, as well as developments and new opportunities within the community. This way, you can always have up-to-date information and be in the know about the latest developments.
Join us and experience the power of the community in asserting your interests! Adhoc.Support is a platform where the consumer’s voice truly matters and effectively contributes to the handling of quality complaints.
Join the community
How is Adhoc.Support’s advocacy community different from an individual complaint handling service?
Complaints submitted can be recorded in our system if the information contained in the complaint is true and the person submitting it is aware of their criminal liability. After the aggregation of several similar complaints, complainants, products, and services: the power of the community can be immediately apparent and the mass nature of whatever company or product is involved cannot be left unacknowledged. No one can ignore the complainants of our community when mass nature is revealed. Our data processing system sorts complaints as they are filed, and where appropriate, system administrators sort them into thematic categories.
The power of the Adhoc.Support advocacy community is the mass complaint
A mass complaint is a complaint that is reported by a large number of customers in a short period of time, indicating a serious problem that needs to be solved urgently. In the case of a mass complaint – we will automatically notify you that your product is involved in such a complaint and, where appropriate, we will make you aware of this in other ways through our community public platforms.
Complain to us and we will merge your complaint with similar complaints. It’s your power through Ad-hoc support!
Asserting your interests, forming a common force in your hands. Adhoc.Support’s system includes a number of IT analytical innovations, which together can systematise the complaints submitted, and the thematic development of this software framework is evolving and improving with the complaints submitted, the services of which are updated to the members of our community.
Our community will become strong together. The number and diversity of complaints will become an international resource behind the management of complaints. A secure resource and a set of credible complaint data to defend our rights and represent us in reaching an amicable settlement or even in litigation.
Join us! Bring your family and friends into our community. Together, we can make the voice of the customer a powerful asset when dealing with quality complaints.
When and how can you cancel your community presence?
You can choose to leave our community at any time and, subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, we will delete your data from our system upon request.
In relation to the product or service, you have submitted and complained about.
Join the community
Submit a complaint
When you support our work, you are not only securing your own future but that of your family as well! The Adhoc.Support community provides such protection for consumers that even parents won’t worry about their future! But don’t just support advocacy for your family, do it for the whole world and be part of a community that aims to win justice!

Support our work to secure your own and your family’s future! The Adhoc.Support advocacy community defends consumers’ rights and offers assistance in handling complaints. By supporting us, you can become a part of a community that values collective interests and actively participates in advocacy.